» インデックスアーカイブリンクス
Reflection: Cycle 3, 金曜日, 1月 13, 2012 (comment)

In Cycle 3, I think I mildly improved my intonations (though they are still not the best). I was able to practice the intonations of words I had trouble pronouncing correctly when I recite these words during the walk up the stairs to my dorm and during the time I set aside to study Japanese.

Throughout all the cycles I can definitely say that I have improved in the fluidity of my speech as well as correctly pronouncing long vowels and double consonants. In terms of executing my goals/activities, I could have done much better and could have allocated more time to PE exercises. For all my cycle reflections, there are many areas where I can improve (the execution and setting realistic goals), but overall, I would say my pronunciation has become reasonably better. 

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