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PE: Reflection on Cycle 2 and Goal Statement for Cycle 3, 金曜日, 12月 02, 2011 (comment)

In Cycle 2, I was able to follow through with shadowing slow and relatively simple Japanese songs and practicing my speech fluidity while I'm in the elevator or when I'm doing something low-key. I've grown more confident in the smoothness of my speech and have improved on not having awkward pauses in sentences. 

For Cycle 3, however, I would like to especially focus on improving my intonation (e.g. "こうちゃを" has a rising intonation that I have difficulty with) and avoid speaking too flatly. To work on this, I will try harder to shadow appropriate conversations on Blackboard and/or take note of the sentences we practice in class that have intonations I made mistakes on. Taking note of these sentences, I will recite them during odd hours or during the time I set aside for studying Japanese.

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